22 March 2019

A long walk home from Richmond at 3am today but no complaints after witnessing such a rewarding night down at the Corner with Simon James Messenger to catch The Magic Numbers – AUS Tour

This is a band I never thought I’d ever get the opportunity to see play live… let alone at the little old Corner!!! It’s also an incredible 10 whole years since they were last downunder and a slew of new material from their recently released ‘Outsiders’ album that they were keen to give an airing… and the brilliant bookers at the Corner made it all possible.

When we arrived at the venue, amazingly, most peeps were standing way back – so it was lovely to slide right on in and be front row centre right at ground zero, close my eyes and let it all just wash over me. When I did open my eyes, these fabulous performance pics in this post (taken by Rebecca Houlden) were exactly my view.

Such a stunning gig and well worth waiting all these years for… Perfect power pop with little sojourns into Neil Youngish wig-out territory, it was right up my alley… and because it had been such a long time since they’d been in Melbourne, we were treated to a fabulous one-off Nick Cave cover in the shape of ‘Push The Sky Away’ and an audience that pretty much sang every song back to them… and the four of them visibly lapped it up.

As luck would have it, we both had the opportunity to catch up with Romeo, Michele and Angela after the show… you guys were all so super nice and I’m just crossing my fingers that the new promotions team you’ve lined up get you back here sooner than later! Travel safe guys and don’t be strangers!

***If any of my music loving mates around the world get a chance to catch thus fabulous outfit any time in the near future DO NOT PASS IT UP***.

Many thanks once again to Simon for including me in your number!

And here’s how they sounded!

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